Thursday, January 1, 2015

100 Miles Here I Come!

Happy New Year Friends! 

I am ecstatic about what this year will hold for us! I am reaching out for support with the March for Babies Walk because I have upped the ante by raising my personal fundraising goal and I have committed to running 100 miles (if not more!) by April 26th (walk day) in hopes you will donate fifty cents or a dollar for each mile I run so babies near and far can celebrate birthdays, like Landen and Caroline, every year!

How will you know I ran? I will post weekly to this blog with a photo from my fitbit app which will show date and distance. 

98 Miles to go! 

Last year I received so much support from people near and far from online and mail-in donations. Every donation added up and made us a 'Top Walker' Family team!  We are dedicated to making a difference again this year! 

I would greatly appreciate your consideration in donating and I hope our friends and family who have supported us in the past will help support us in 2015!  

My personal March for Babies Site:

Click Here to Donate and PLEASE share with a friend!


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