Sunday, January 25, 2015

{Running Through the Rain}

I was disappointed this morning in the weather. I thought I had planned perfectly for leaving on my run so I would miss the rain. Following the weather report I had seen from earlier in the day, I was all set to head out and was greeted by rain. I grabbed my "yellow ducky" coat, as I call it, and headed out.  It wasn't what I planned for, but I promised myself this run. 

Have you ever planned something and it didn't go the way you would have liked it to? I'll be honest, this has happened to me so many times and I have come to the conclusion that in life things are going to go the way their supposed to...not the way I think they should. 

I was half way into my run and realized that running in the rain really isn't bad at all. It's actually what I wish for on a nice hot summer run. Then I started thinking about why I am running. How I'm wanting to somehow make a difference and help these little babies that are resting in the NICU or who are hopefully holding out in their Mommy's belly.  When you are a soon-to-be-parent or a parent, days worrying over your child seem like today-wet, cold,cloudy, and just down right dark. It uncomfortable, draining, stressful, and taxing to not only your emotions but to your physical well being. I'm not just running for babies, I'm running for their famIlies too. 

Aaron took the brunt of our situation. He went to work, would come by the hospital to see me and hang out and would drive home late every night-it was a solid forty-five minute drive too. He ate on the run everyday and was running on very little sleep while worrying about me and the twins...on top of trying to take care of work and our dogs and house chores (our family and friends were amazing help!). 
Knowing we had Drs and nurses who were experts around us gave us hope. The NICU staff was available anytime if we had questions about the Twins' development and what we were hoping for next. All of those people made a difference in our attitude and it helped us run through our hardest dark and rainy days.

I want families to have the support they need when they are in an uncomfortable and delicate situation like we were. I want them to have hope because it truly exists with continued education. I want families to be able to run THROUGH, not in, their storm and have a beautiful ending to a new beginning like we were fortunate to have. 

I know it's hard to donate to something that you haven't had first hand experience with. I truly hope you never have to. If you haven't already, would you please consider sponsoring me in our March for babies?


68 to go! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

{72 Miles To Go}

Woo! So far a slow week, but I'm hoping by tomorrow to be all caught up! I had a special running buddy today, my sister Summer.  She was a good sport in knocking off four more miles with me!  We have 92 days until the walk! Please consider sponsoring me and our team!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

One Week Down, Many to Go!

The winter weather is here and I have to say while it's been very cold, I've managed to get thirteen miles in for these precious babies! With eighty-seven miles to go, I'm feeling very optimistic in hitting the goal of  #100 for babies and hopeful I could possibly double it before the 26th of April. 

Thank you to those who reached out so quickly and donated to our team! We are currently at $295.00. I've reached out to some local businesses hoping to gain some support, but if you known of anyone who would be interested , please let me know. 

Donating. March for babies walk is focused around families. When asking for a donation, the idea is for us to have support starting anywhere from a dollar and up. Any amount helps and I truly mean it! Last year is proof of how smaller donations add up to make big differences.  Our team would NOT have been able to do it without all of my Facebook friends and family! 

I'm hoping my good friend, Lindsey, won't mind me posting this photo of her and the twins. She came up to visit shortly after the twins were born to see them and help us out during my sisters wedding.  It's funny how quickly you forget how small they were and here in this picture they are actually bigger than when they left the hospital around five pounds. They literally were just big enough to cover your chest-with room in between them! 

Look at them now....

I am fully committed to help babies come into the world and be healthy and happy children like ours! I personally have to try and make a difference somewhere in this life and March for Babies is my passion. Aaron and I have been given so much and our family wants to give back-with some help from you :-) if you are still considering here is the link to our page:



Saturday, January 3, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

100 Miles Here I Come!

Happy New Year Friends! 

I am ecstatic about what this year will hold for us! I am reaching out for support with the March for Babies Walk because I have upped the ante by raising my personal fundraising goal and I have committed to running 100 miles (if not more!) by April 26th (walk day) in hopes you will donate fifty cents or a dollar for each mile I run so babies near and far can celebrate birthdays, like Landen and Caroline, every year!

How will you know I ran? I will post weekly to this blog with a photo from my fitbit app which will show date and distance. 

98 Miles to go! 

Last year I received so much support from people near and far from online and mail-in donations. Every donation added up and made us a 'Top Walker' Family team!  We are dedicated to making a difference again this year! 

I would greatly appreciate your consideration in donating and I hope our friends and family who have supported us in the past will help support us in 2015!  

My personal March for Babies Site:

Click Here to Donate and PLEASE share with a friend!
