Monday, March 16, 2015

{A Parent's Dream}

Today is a runners least in my world. It's warm out, a nice breeze, and the sun shinning on my face.  Days like these just feel good on. After a brutal February of dangerous cold and snow/ice, I
have gotten back on the path and started running-40 to go!

If you are a parent, you'll have to think back, but if you are a soon-to-be parent you will be able to quickly relate to what I'm about to say. Before a child is even born, we have our own idea of what it will be like to be a parent and we dream of the perfect birth of our children. At least that's what I thought would happen. We imagine racing to the hospital, being filled with excitement and nervousness. It's almost like this beautiful whirlwind that ends with a sweet baby boy or girl wrapped up in the most perfect way. You examine their feet, toes, and facial features trying to decide who he/she looks like.

I remember holding both Caroline and Landen. Then I was taken down in a bed to the NICU to see Landen. He was lying in a little bed all alone. With the magnesium I was on, I couldn't do much but look at him. I felt bad he was away from me and the rest of his family. I wasn't in the condition to go down and visit him every hour or so- I could barely get to the bathroom without being unsteady on my feet. Knowing Landen was in good care, since I had met the NICU staff prior to this, gave me a little bit of comfort. But it certainly wasn't apart of my 'dream.'

There are days where the weather is frustrating to runners. The same is true for parents of a newborn child. Sometimes the birth is too soon or there are medical conditions after birth that land the baby in the NICU and not in the mother and father's arms. The birth of a child can go from the most exciting time to the most tumultuous time a parent may experience.

If the March of Dimes March for Babies is a place that hits home with you, friend, or family memeber, please consider a donation to our team. Our team is working hard to help parents both new and seasoned care for when their child is in need.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

{Glass Half Full}

(Somehow this didn't get posted last weekend!! I still wanted to share with you!)

It's snowing more this morning! It's amazing and beautiful! Not the best running conditions though! February has been not only snowy but extremely cold (record setting) but I'm down to 43 miles. 

"Today's update is short and sweet. My appointment this morning went well. Things are holding steady and the babies are doing great! Everyone who monitors them or does their ultrasounds say what "strong" babies these two is certainly wonderful to hear. 

The Dr. today said she will be talking with the rest of the Dr.'s in the group and they will be deciding if I stay on the Mag tomorrow or not. She feels confident the oral medication is just as good with keeping the contractions away and I would then get my arm back from this IV and won't have to be bothered a million times in one day for "vitals" and I won't be burning up :)

Aaron and I both just want what's best for me and the babies..if the oral meds don't work as well, which I hope they do, we still have the option of going back on Mag. We feel very confident the Dr.'s will make a good choice and we will be just fine :) There are still options out there for keeping these babies in!!

I've finally had a quiet afternoon to where I could pop in a movie and sleep! It felt SOOOOO good to relax and just snooze! I am beginning to feel a little more rested :)

Wonderful news for today....My friend had her baby here today!! I'm going to get to meet her at some point and I'm REALLY excited for that!! Congrats Jon and Jen!!!!"

I still remember rolling in to meet Jon and Jen's sweet baby girl. It was so nice to get out if my room for the first time in a week. Had I not been in the hospital I wouldn't have had the chance to meet her just hours after being born. It's a special memory that I'll always hold dear to my heart!  The best lesson I learned and practiced during those three months was focused around having a positive perspective. 

Thank you for supporting our team and mission! I am very close to my personal goal and it's because of YOU!!

Slowly, but still, running for babies!! (


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

{Winter Chill-Thinking Warm Thoughts}

Oh my, is it chilly outside! I was foolishly standing outside tonight with no coat on and no socks in side my boots. Why might you ask? I was finishing up with dinner and another snow burst came through and Landen and Caroline were just mesmerized by the spinning snow flakes. They were already dressed with boots on their feet (they got dressed for school...even though it's tomorrow!) so I asked Aaron to finish dinner and away we went. 

The sun was quickly going down, the wind whipping against my back, but standing there watching both Landen and Caroline experience the beauty of winter with huge smiles on their faces warmed my heart. 


Never a dull moment :)

For those of you who worried that I would struggle with  lack of sleep when the twins are born, worry no more :)  I am getting enough interuppted nights and still functioning throughout the day-I consider this boot camp.  

Last night was "one of those nights" where I was up until the wee hours. After the babies were monitored (which they behaved this time :) ) I started having contractions roughly every five minutes. This time I could feel them pretty well. So I was monitored through the night and the Dr. ended up prescribing a shot and an oral medicine that I will take for the next 72 hours...yes this on top of the "Mag."  I'm thinking I'll just stay hooked up to the mag until these little sweeties come :) I am curious if the Dr. I see today will suggest the same or try to take me off the Mag...My guess is they won't take me off of it....although it would be nice not to have to unplug the IV every time you want to go some where lol...

So that's the latest.....I'm hoping for my first relaxing day today.....we'll see how lucky I am :)

Love and Hugs!


I don't like to look back at the past most of the time, but standing outside in my PJs and hoodie watching Landen and Caroline made me think of how things could have been different had they come early at 24 weeks. Every time I look back I can't help but get that same tense feeling we would feel at times in the hospital. But the difference is that now I can let go and breathe a sigh of reliefe. 
Our miracles are safe. 

On this chilly winter day, I ask for your help. Warm another families heart by donating a dollar or more if you can to help give the same gift we received three years ago.  Please visit: 


Still running! 47 miles to go!

Friday, February 13, 2015

{Three Years Later}

The morning before I knew I would be heading into the hospital.
24 Weeeks, hooked up to "Stan" my new companion

{Three Years ago today...

"I'm not sure where to start...There are so many things I have to say, people to thank, and things to share...I've started this blog because of teacher who suggested it may make it a little easier for me to communicate with everyone-great idea!! 

So we're all on the same page here is what has happened since Monday (2/13).

Monday I went for my regular checkup after school for the babies. The Dr. found I was dilated 1cm and she was concerned I may be having contractions as well.  So I drove my self to Good Sam where they admitted me and sure enough I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes.  They gave me an IV of Magnesium which slowed the contractions to every 5-8 minutes (still not great) and decided to up the dose to get them to slow even more.

Tuesday morning I had an ultrasound to check on the babies. They are great! They are healthy and VERY active. Landen weighs 1lb 13oz and Caroline weighs 1lb 12 oz. Their heart beats are monitored twice a day for 20 minutes.  The next part may be too much information but it's why I have to stay in the hospital. The Dr. measured my cervix length and they said it should be 20 mm but mine is 4.  With that, they said I have to stay in the hospital until they are born.

Wednesday the Dr. decided to continue my IV of Magnesium for another 48 hours. She was concerned with how long it took to calm my contractions and she would like to step down the dosage and see what happens.  Aaron and I were very happy with her proactive approach and are hoping the contractions will be under control and the babies and I will make it to 28 weeks or longer. Aside from fighting contractions, the Dr.'s are very happy with the development of the babies and with my overall health which is a really good thing!  

The Dr.s from NICU came down to talk to us and they explained what it would be like to have a baby at 25 weeks. They were so informative and positive! It's amazing what they can do these days! They told us that every day a baby stays in the womb is equal to three days in the NICU. So each day is really a big deal and every week is an even bigger deal. At this point if we were to have the babies, they would stay in the NICU potentially until their due date, June 2nd.  If we make it to 28 or 30 weeks, and they are healthy, they may stay in the NICU until 34-36 weeks- all of this depending on their health of course and how they are doing.  So reaching the 30 week mark is huge when it comes to how long they have to stay in the NICU. Regardless, they will be in the NICU for some time...I'm dealing with that emotional hurdle a little each day. 

Mental State of Mind. All of this could really make someone just loose it! I imagine as I sit here for the next several weeks I will have some good and bad days. But overall, I am very optimistic and positive.  I know God has his hands all over this...his timing for everything has been impeccable.  He got me to the hospital when I needed to be, I've got a team of Dr.'s and nurses who are INCREDIBLY sweet to me, and I have friends and Rockwern family who work here at the hospital.  The icing on the cake is I'm still in room by myself at this point. I'm on the waiting list for a private room and the nurses keep telling me I'll be moving soon. The nurse said they are usually busting at the seams but that it has been quiet and there is only one person in each double room right now....So I've totally lucked out on having a room to my self!!

With all of that said and my fabulous hospital food arriving, I have to end with a BIG thank you.  THANK YOU to EVERYONE who have been going ABOVE AND BEYOND to show how much you care.  I can't tell you how much it means to both Aaron and I. We feel the support and love and that alone keeps our spirits up-and that is a huge part in getting through all of this! 

Love and hugs to all of you! I have lots of free time so I'll post anything that comes up!! "

{Three Years Later}

Aside from the ear infections and colds our children have had recently, we have two VERY happy and Healthy children who are thriving at school, are learning to love and be respectful, and are growing as much as you would hope for.  We are in the process of trying to catch up on a month of very little sleep but with today marking the first day of going into the hospital, the lack of sleep is NOTHING compared to worrying about the survival of our twins.  These "flash backs" give me a reminder of why March for Babies is so important to us. You forget about the details of a very delicate point of time in our lives. I'm hoping through some of my old posts, I can share with you why we have such a passion for this cause.

Thank you for your support!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Half Way!!

Thank you to those who have donated! We appreciate your support!! So excited to reach the half way point!! 

If you'd like to read our story visit: 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

{Running Through the Rain}

I was disappointed this morning in the weather. I thought I had planned perfectly for leaving on my run so I would miss the rain. Following the weather report I had seen from earlier in the day, I was all set to head out and was greeted by rain. I grabbed my "yellow ducky" coat, as I call it, and headed out.  It wasn't what I planned for, but I promised myself this run. 

Have you ever planned something and it didn't go the way you would have liked it to? I'll be honest, this has happened to me so many times and I have come to the conclusion that in life things are going to go the way their supposed to...not the way I think they should. 

I was half way into my run and realized that running in the rain really isn't bad at all. It's actually what I wish for on a nice hot summer run. Then I started thinking about why I am running. How I'm wanting to somehow make a difference and help these little babies that are resting in the NICU or who are hopefully holding out in their Mommy's belly.  When you are a soon-to-be-parent or a parent, days worrying over your child seem like today-wet, cold,cloudy, and just down right dark. It uncomfortable, draining, stressful, and taxing to not only your emotions but to your physical well being. I'm not just running for babies, I'm running for their famIlies too. 

Aaron took the brunt of our situation. He went to work, would come by the hospital to see me and hang out and would drive home late every night-it was a solid forty-five minute drive too. He ate on the run everyday and was running on very little sleep while worrying about me and the twins...on top of trying to take care of work and our dogs and house chores (our family and friends were amazing help!). 
Knowing we had Drs and nurses who were experts around us gave us hope. The NICU staff was available anytime if we had questions about the Twins' development and what we were hoping for next. All of those people made a difference in our attitude and it helped us run through our hardest dark and rainy days.

I want families to have the support they need when they are in an uncomfortable and delicate situation like we were. I want them to have hope because it truly exists with continued education. I want families to be able to run THROUGH, not in, their storm and have a beautiful ending to a new beginning like we were fortunate to have. 

I know it's hard to donate to something that you haven't had first hand experience with. I truly hope you never have to. If you haven't already, would you please consider sponsoring me in our March for babies?


68 to go! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

{72 Miles To Go}

Woo! So far a slow week, but I'm hoping by tomorrow to be all caught up! I had a special running buddy today, my sister Summer.  She was a good sport in knocking off four more miles with me!  We have 92 days until the walk! Please consider sponsoring me and our team!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

One Week Down, Many to Go!

The winter weather is here and I have to say while it's been very cold, I've managed to get thirteen miles in for these precious babies! With eighty-seven miles to go, I'm feeling very optimistic in hitting the goal of  #100 for babies and hopeful I could possibly double it before the 26th of April. 

Thank you to those who reached out so quickly and donated to our team! We are currently at $295.00. I've reached out to some local businesses hoping to gain some support, but if you known of anyone who would be interested , please let me know. 

Donating. March for babies walk is focused around families. When asking for a donation, the idea is for us to have support starting anywhere from a dollar and up. Any amount helps and I truly mean it! Last year is proof of how smaller donations add up to make big differences.  Our team would NOT have been able to do it without all of my Facebook friends and family! 

I'm hoping my good friend, Lindsey, won't mind me posting this photo of her and the twins. She came up to visit shortly after the twins were born to see them and help us out during my sisters wedding.  It's funny how quickly you forget how small they were and here in this picture they are actually bigger than when they left the hospital around five pounds. They literally were just big enough to cover your chest-with room in between them! 

Look at them now....

I am fully committed to help babies come into the world and be healthy and happy children like ours! I personally have to try and make a difference somewhere in this life and March for Babies is my passion. Aaron and I have been given so much and our family wants to give back-with some help from you :-) if you are still considering here is the link to our page:



Saturday, January 3, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

100 Miles Here I Come!

Happy New Year Friends! 

I am ecstatic about what this year will hold for us! I am reaching out for support with the March for Babies Walk because I have upped the ante by raising my personal fundraising goal and I have committed to running 100 miles (if not more!) by April 26th (walk day) in hopes you will donate fifty cents or a dollar for each mile I run so babies near and far can celebrate birthdays, like Landen and Caroline, every year!

How will you know I ran? I will post weekly to this blog with a photo from my fitbit app which will show date and distance. 

98 Miles to go! 

Last year I received so much support from people near and far from online and mail-in donations. Every donation added up and made us a 'Top Walker' Family team!  We are dedicated to making a difference again this year! 

I would greatly appreciate your consideration in donating and I hope our friends and family who have supported us in the past will help support us in 2015!  

My personal March for Babies Site:

Click Here to Donate and PLEASE share with a friend!
